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Don’t Walk and Text Unless You Want to Be in the Way. Walking through a crowded street, you can’t help but notice the people paying more attention to the phone in front of their face than the fast- approaching dog poop on the sidewalk. In a PLOS One study, researchers from Anglia Ruskin University found that people moved more slowly and took longer to avoid obstacles when using their smartphone during a walk. The more in- depth the interaction, the slower people walked. Your privacy is important, and now more than ever, it seems like everyone is trying to put eyes on. Participants were outfitted with eye- tracking equipment and motion sensors. They walked the path multiple times without their phone, while talking on their phone, while reading a text message, and while replying to one.

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What the Fuck Is Julian Assange Doing? Attempting to figure out what’s going on in Julian Assange’s head is a daily struggle. After moving into the Ecuadorean embassy in London seven years ago to avoid extradition to Sweden on since- dropped sexual assault allegations, the 4. Twitter as his main means of communication. From the embassy’s confines, he’s kept himself busy leaking a slew of hacked DNC emails, CIA exploits, and generally inserting himself into world events in which he plays no part. Now, it looks like Assange is doubling down on his attempt to join the Trump clan.

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