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What the Fuck Is Julian Assange Doing? Attempting to figure out what’s going on in Julian Assange’s head is a daily struggle. After moving into the Ecuadorean embassy in London seven years ago to avoid extradition to Sweden on since- dropped sexual assault allegations, the 4. Twitter as his main means of communication. From the embassy’s confines, he’s kept himself busy leaking a slew of hacked DNC emails, CIA exploits, and generally inserting himself into world events in which he plays no part. Now, it looks like Assange is doubling down on his attempt to join the Trump clan.

A few hours after Donald Trump Jr. On Sunday, the Wiki. Leaks Twitter account replied to a Trump tweet and suggested the president name Julian Assange as head of “an impenetrable Cyber Security unit” the president claimed he discussed forming with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Aside from the fact that Assange is not an American citizen, this idea seems pretty ludicrous in light of the fact that Trump’s Justice Department is reportedly considering bringing criminal charges against Assange and Wiki.

Leaks for releasing classified government information. Even still, Wiki.

Leaks—and probably Assange himself, who’s often the operator of the account—tweeted: This is also really weird. But let’s get back to today’s tweet. On one hand, Assange seems to be implying that he knew about the Times scoop well before the paper published its very damning story.

On the other hand, Sunday’s tweet implies that Assange is begging Trump Jr. What an odd thing for Assange, a self- described “information activist” who claims he has dedicated his life to exposing the truth, to do. What strange allies he’d find in Donald Trump and his closest aides, a group of people who simply can’t stop lying about issues central to the world’s most prominent democracy. What a weird coda for Assange’s already controversial career. Then again, if you’ve paid much attention to Assange and his curious character in recent years, these attempts to cozy up to Trump make total sense.

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Assange, you might say, loves him some anarchy. And as Risk, the new documentary about Wiki. Leaks and its founder, paints in painful detail, Assange is obsessed with power.

He wants to be close to those who have it, and he wants to stockpile it for himself, however he’s able to do that. There’s a scene in Risk that shows Assange considering how his organization could influence the 2. It appears that the then- accused rapist (the charges were subsequently dropped) was literally looking for ways to tamper with the democratic process, not necessarily because he favored one candidate over the other but because he could. Eventually, by publishing a slew of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee during the 2.

Assange did. Where does one go from there? According to Assange’s recent behavior, you try to advise the leaders who you helped tilt the election towards. It remains unclear whether the leaked DNC emails that Wiki. Hindi Typing Master Pro Free Download.

Gabe used her house as the prototype for a technology she hoped to spread across the country. It was a messy execution, hacked together with existing materials and a. Attempting to figure out what’s going on in Julian Assange’s head is a daily struggle. After moving into the Ecuadorean embassy in London seven years ago to avoid. The Home of the 4 Hour Investor Grade Business Plan. Faster investor quality documentation using HyperQuestions.

Leaks released came from the Russian government. Assange insists they didn’t, although he also refuses to reveal his sources.

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At this point in time, though, it’s safe to assume that this Assange character isn’t exactly trustworthy. Is he a sociopath? That’s for the psychologists to decide.

Is he a lackey for seemingly authoritarian regimes? That’s for history to determine. Is he a twerp? He sure is.

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