Ancient Secrets Quest For The Golden Key

Ancient Secrets Quest For The Golden Key

The startling scientific evidence backing up this "coming chain of events," begins with the best high-resolution imaging of Phobos ever achieved. Grade 4 Social Studies . Early Societies, 3000 BCE - 1500 CE -based student learning activities Early. The historical period of ancient Greece is unique in world history as the first period attested directly in proper historiography, while earlier ancient history or.

Secrets Of The Watchers, Anunnaki And The New (Reptilian) World Order. Message. To. Eagle. What if Planet Earth was ostensibly run by a race of shape- shifting reptilians? Believe it or not, this outre’ political- science- fiction scenario has become a focus of historical researchers as well as spiritual visionaries. In fact, the resonance of corroborating evidence from science and metaphysics has a synchronicity that is nothing but astonishing. Serpents and flying dragons have, of course, been a staple of ancient myth and legends of indigenous people around the world.

By James Renner. About the announcement. Speak to him again and agree to help him. He mentions Arian, who first tests you for your competency. Go inside a Morroc building (283/173. Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh May Be the 1st Known 'Giant' Live Science - August 4, 2017 The supposed remains of Sanakht, a pharaoh of ancient Egypt, may be the oldest.

The assumption has always been, however, that they are metaphor or allegory – and not a literal description of actual beings. But what about the admonition of Jesus and John the Baptist when they chided the “generation of vipers” and “serpents? What if they saw these creatures with their spiritual vision – the overshadowing of humans by astral beings from another dimension?

How would they communicate this vision to others? And what about the stories from the Book of Enoch and the Forbidden Books of the Bible which refer to the Nephilim – literally “Those Who Were Cast Down” – and the Watchers, the so- called “Fallen Angels”? Sumeria: The Cradle (Or Test Tube) of Civilisation. Scholars and historians have been totally confounded by the abrupt rise of the Sumerian culture nearly 6,0.

Fertile Crescent of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. This “sudden civilisation” seemed to appear out of thin air and refused to conform to the popular historical theory of linear development in cultural evolution. Historian Professor Charles Hapgood squarely faces the issue when he writes that “today we find primitive cultures co- existing with advanced modem society on all continents. Joseph Campbell in The Masks of God writes, “With stunning abruptness. Kramer, one of the greatest Sumerologists of our time.

Ancient Secrets Quest For The Golden Key

He reviewed the table of contents from the Tablets of Sumer and found that each one of the 2. Sumerian, and in fact a world- first, type of achievement. The Sumerians had the world’s first medicine and pharmacopoeia. The world’s first brain surgery. The world’s first agriculture and farmer’s almanac. The world’s first cosmology and astronomy. The world’s first law codes.

And they utilised a highly advanced technology capable of sophisticated metallurgy, smelting, refining and alloying as well as petroleum fuel refining. Most importantly, the Sumerians were responsible for the world’s first genetic engineering. The Watchers – Fallen Angeles. Like a mystery without a suspect, the Sumerian story remained a riddle, until historian- archaeologist Zechariah Sitchin published a remarkable book called The 1. Planet (1. 97. 9). In his subsequent series entitled “The Earth Chronicles,” Sitchin describes in great detail the crossbreeding program of the Sumerian “gods” through genetic manipulation.

Having spent thirty years studying Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Hittite texts and the Old Testament in the original Hebrew, Sitchin deciphered the ancient scripts, transcribed them, transliterated them and, finally translated them. His conclusion? Sitchin writes that the Sumerian civilisation did indeed appear out of thin air.

The forerunner of Greek and Roman civilisation was initiated by a highly advanced race of extra- planetary colonists who came to earth, established their settlements, and began their single- minded pursuit of wealth and power by mining gold and other minerals necessary to sustain their high- tech high- maintenance lifestyle. And who were these “colonists”? The Sumerians themselves described them as the “gods of heaven and earth.” They were also called “the ancient gods,” or the “olden gods,” and according to Sumerian lore, they had come down to earth from heaven. In the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, the Sumerian gods of heaven and earth are referred to as the Nephilim. Download Phan Mem Mien Phi Kaspersky Free. The Sumerians themselves called the colonists the Anunnaki. The Bible and Strong’s Concordance does not mention the Nephilim specifically by name, but Nelson’s Concordance has several listings. Sitchin translates the biblical verses from Genesis 6: 4 as: “The Nephilim were upon the Earth, in those days and thereafter too, when the sons of the gods cohabited with the daughters of Adam and they bore children unto them.

They were the Mighty Ones of Eternity.”And what does “Nephilim” actually mean? Normally translated into English as “giants,” the word stems from the Semitic root NFL (. It means exactly what it says – “Those who were cast down upon Earth.”“Contemporary theologians and biblical scholars have tended to avoid the troublesome verses,” writes Sitchin, “but Jewish writings of the time of the Second Temple did recognise in these verses the echoes of ancient traditions of . In fact, scholars maintain that there were two accounts of separate “falls” of the angels. First, there was the archangel’s rebellion against God and his fall through pride, in which he was followed by other angels – the Nephilim.

And second, there was the story of angels who “fell” (lowered their vibration and began their incarnations on Earth) through lusting after the daughters of men – the Watchers. K Lite Codec Pack 630 Mega. According to the Book of Enoch, a band of angels led by Samyaza “became enamoured of the daughters of men” and decided to go after them, saying “come let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children.” So they all took an oath, all two hundred of them, and descended to earth. Boulay, a former NSA cryptographer, writes that “from a combination of ancient secular and religious sources, it is possible to piece together the story of our ancestry which lies in the coming of the alien serpent- gods or astronauts who colonised earth many eons ago.”The Anunnaki. In fact, the evidence lies in a complete reappraisal of the legends, myths and “history” of the world. The Sumerian legend of Gilgamesh and Agga points to this interaction of “humans” and “serpents.” And of course, there are the well- known “serpent gods” of the Indus Valley, the Nagas or Serpent race of Ancient India, and the Hindu epics, “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata,” which also deal with the serpent- gods.

In Chinese history, “Vih King” describes how man and dragon lived peacefully together and even intermarried. And the serpent gods in American mythology are described in the Mayan book “Chilam Balam” where Itzamna, the serpent god is revered by the “people of the serpent.”The story of St. George overcoming the “dragon” in England and St. Patrick driving the “serpents” out of Ireland are also part of Christian iconography. Too many “coincidences” point to a pattern which has been seemingly willfully ignored by ivory tower mainstream academics and historians. Before the Flood. According to Boulay, the Anunnaki genetic engineering was done by “combining the characteristics of the native ape man or neanderthal with their own saurian nature” producing the so- called Adam of the Old Testament.

He also refers to them as . They considered humans merely as unruly children, not more important than pets, to be governed ruthlessly and without sentiment.”The ruthless “policies” of the New World Order reflects this ancient bias in the incessant propaganda that a population “crisis” exists on the planet and that the best way to remedy the situation is through wars to kill off the “cannon fodder” or through abortion to kill off future “useless eaters,” those who consume resources without the value- added productivity that the masters of Earth require. Boulay contends that the Old Testament begins at Sumer and there is a large body of religious literature besides the Book of Genesis which deals with the period before the Deluge.

He cites sources such as the three Books of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, Gnostic teachings, the Dead Sea scrolls, the Haggadah of the oral tradition of the Jews, the Rabbinical writings, the works of Josephus, and the Books of the Pseudepigrapha, especially the Book of Jubilees. What Was the Serpent of Eden?