Antioxidant Activity Of Benincasa Hispida Seeds Of Change


Al Shifa Ayurvedic Treatment Centre & Natural Treatment Spa. Introduction Diarrhea is a disease of the digestive system which occurs due to malfunctioning of either the stomach or the bowels. Its Sanskrit name is atisaar. A person suffering from diarrhea will need to visit the toilet often in order to defecate. Even the stools of diarrhea are different – they will be increased in volume, with more stickiness or wateriness. Diarrhea is a very common ailment all over the world. Every person in the world must have suffered from some or the other form of diarrhea at some time or the other.

Antioxidant Activity Of Benincasa Hispida Seeds Of Change

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Antioxidant Activity Of Benincasa Hispida Seeds Of Change

This extremely frequent digestive ailment can occur at any age, any location and with people of any social condition. Though diarrhea is a very common disease, humankind has not yet been able to conquer it completely. Even today, every minute, seven children all over the world are dying due to diarrhea. Such diarrhea deaths are observed more in the financially backward countries where there are no proper amenities of hygiene and nutrition. However, diarrhea control and treatment is very much possible.

Most cases of diarrhea deaths are due to gross ignorance about the condition. The stools contain a large amount of water, which is voided at very frequent intervals. People suffering from diarrhea also suffer from dehydration due to the loss of water. The following kinds of diet can cause diarrhea in people: -1. Unhygienic food, or food prepared in contaminated water. Intolerance to some kinds of foods, such as lactose intolerance.

Over- intake of foods with excess of vitamin C4. Too much spicy and oily food. Undercooked meats and eggs. Foods contaminated with microorganisms.

Food that is either too hot or too cold. Food that is prepared in unclean conditions. Apart from these, the following environmental factors can also cause diarrhea: -a. Pollution Chemicals dangerous to the wellbeing of human healthb. Stressful conditionsc. Unsuitable climatic conditionsd. Vices like smoking, alcoholism and drug addictione.

Antibioticsf. Infants form a large share of diarrhea victims. Overfeeding of breast milk or powder milk. Infection due to feeding bottles. Ear and throat infections. Changes in environment.

From the Ayurvedic point of view, atisaar or diarrhea is caused by vitiation of any of the three doshas, i. Ulcerative colitis is caused mainly due to vitiation in the pitta dosha, while infective diarrheas, such as the one due to salmonella, are caused by vitiation in the kapha dosha. These diarrheas are as follows: -(i) Acute Diarrhea – Acute diarrhea or enteritis is the name given to the kind of diarrhea that lasts over four weeks. This is a curable type of diarrhea, which is caused due to several microorganisms and parasites. The following is a table of the microorganisms that can contaminate food causing diarrhea: -a. Bacteria Viruses Other Parasites Campylobacter Rotavirus Entameba histolytica Salmonella Herpes simplex virus Giardia lamblia Shigella Cytomegalovirus Cryptosporidium Escherichia coli Norwalk virus Pinworm, hookworm, tapewormb. The acute diarrhea is contagious.

If healthy people come in contact with the stools of an infected person, then they too can get infected through the pathogen present in the stools. Frequent watery stoolsii. Loss of weightiii. Irritabilityiv. Itching in the anal areav. Rashes. (ii) Chronic Diarrhea – Chronic diarrhea is the diarrhea that persists for a long time. Some chronic diarrheas can persist for the entire life of a person. Chronic diarrhea is manifested in different ways in the human body.

The following are some examples of chronic diarrhea types: -a. Type of Chronic Diarrhea Caused Due To Characteristicsb. Infective Chronic Diarrhea Salmonella bacteria and other parasitic worms and amebas. The diarrhea gets healed in the normal course of time, but the infectious salmonella persists in the stools. Hence, the person can infect others with the diarrhea even though he or she is cured.

Malabsorption Intolerance to foods such as gluten of wheat, lactose of milk, fructose offruits and pernicious anemia, pancreatitis, etc. The person is unable to absorb food in the small intestine and also the pancreas.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease The cause of this type of diarrhea is not properly known. Itcauses ulcerative colitis which is the condition of passing bloody stools. Irritable Bowel Syndrome The cause of this type of diarrhea is not properly known.

Abdominal pain and cramping before passing stools, persistent urge to defecate even after one bowel movement is finished, mucus in the stools, bloating and gas. Watery and loose stools.

Large volume of water and mucus in the stools. Abdominal pain and cramping during passing stools. Frequent defecating urges; even after a visit to the toilet. Vomiting and feeling of nausea. Dehydration, which may become quite severe. For symptoms of particular types of diarrhea, refer to the table given in the Causes section.

Some of the complications that persistent diarrhea can cause are as follows: -(i) Dehydration – Dehydration is one of the most serious issues with diarrhea. It is the leading cause of the high mortality rates of diarrhea, especially in children. During each bowel movement, copious amounts of water are voided from the digestive system. This leads to loss of essential fluids from the body.

If not checked in time, the person will die of dehydration rather than the diarrhea itself. In order to ascertain the presence of dehydration, one must check for the following warning signals: -* Dryness of the mouth* Dryness and chapping of the lips* Dryness of the skin* Less frequent urination, accompanied by pain during micturation* Sunken painful eyes, but without tears.

This could cause a hole in the bowel. This situation becomes more serious if the bacteria from the bowels infect the abdominal cavity.(iii) Toxic Mega Colon – After several extreme bouts of diarrhea, the person’s colon becomes totally redundant in passing stools and urine. This condition is called as toxic mega colon and its symptoms are abdominal pain, cramping, swelling in the rectal area, weakness and even fever.

In the direst situations, the colon may rupture. This situation has a slim chance of being corrected with surgery; it is usually a fatal condition.

The following are the modes by which it can be transmitted from one person to another: -. Not washing hands with disinfectant soap after stools* Improper disposal of the fecal waste matters* Improper washing of underwear and nappies and infants* Contaminated water conditions, especially in the monsoon. Prevention of Diarrhea (Atisaar)Diarrhea is contagious, so extreme care must be taken in order to prevent it. The steps taken to prevent diarrhea are as follows: -* Eat only hygienic food from reliable sources.* Avoid visiting hotels and inns whose food preparation techniques are dubitable.* Be very careful of the cleanliness of the water you drink. For long distance travel, carry filtered or boiled water bottles from home.* Avoid drinking from public water sources.* While outside, opt for tea or coffee rather than juices. This is because, for tea and coffee the water has to be boiled, and hence it becomes purified.* Avoid using public toilets as much as possible.* If you have to use them in an emergency, select the cleanest toilet possible.* Keep soaps, towels, etc.

Hence, taking a suitable diet will reduce most of the complications of diarrhea. A diarrhea patient must follow the dietary regimen given below: -* All flesh foods must be avoided; take more fresh vegetables and fruits.* Avoid difficult to digest foods such as coffee, oily and spicy foods, sugars, etc.* Stay totally away from alcohol and tobacco.* Incorporate plenty of water sources in your diet, such as freshly prepared fruit juices.* Also add glucose, lemon juice with salt and sugar, orange and sweet lime juices, etc. Download Google Earth Latest Version Free Windows 7. Ayurveda addresses most of the symptoms and complications of diarrhea, and hence helps in the treatment.