Harry Potter Signature Edition Hard Back Notebook


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Harry Potter Signature Edition Hard Back Notebook

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Harry Potter Signature Edition Hard Back Notebook

Courting Hermione Granger – Chapters 1- 1. Keira Marcos. Title: Courting Hermione Granger. Author: Keira Marcos. Beta: Chris King. Fandom: Harry Potter. Relationship: Harry/Hermione. Genre: Alternate Universe, Angst.

Author’s Note: This story contains brief, non- explicit discussion of potions abuse, attempted sexual assault, and sexual harassment, adult language, off- screen murder of original characters, off- screen domestic violence and adult situations but noexplicit sexual content. As always, your non- consensual beta is undesired. Summary: Hermione Granger’s return to Britain after years abroad causes a stir in the British Ministry of Magic but it’ll be Harry Potter’s courting overture that will change her life.

It was rare that the Ministry required that the full body sit so he figured today was going to be a political nightmare for someone. He glanced towards his father. Sirius Black was in his box, looking every inch the Earl of Blackmoor. 4 Minutes Bob Sinclar Space Funk Edit. It wasn’t all that common actually so Harry straightened in his chair and tried to remember what was meandering around in the rumor mill. There’d been a closed- door meeting with the Director of the DMLE and the Head Unspeakable yesterday, and he was surprised, as Head Auror, not to be included in it. Still there were plenty of things that happened in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement that were none of his concern—above his pay grade as it were. He watched his father stand, leave his box, and walk across the floor to the presentation platform.

Harry wondered if he was about to declare a blood feud. They shared alliances across the board, but nothing had come up lately to escalate a conflict to that level, so this had to be Ministry business.

He would’ve been briefed before the session if the matter impacted his magical house. His father was the Head Prosecutor even if he typically delegated the prosecution of crimes to his deputies.“Good afternoon,” Sirius murmured and placed a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose as he arranged his parchments. Chief Warlock, due to the nature of the situation I must request that all underage wizards and witches be removed from the room. I’d failed to consider that Hogwarts was out for summer when I set the meeting rules.”Harry watched as the heirs were escorted from the room. C Windows Form Send Email. Men in the House of Lords often brought their heirs to Wizengamot meetings. He’d sat in his father’s box many times over the years before he’d claimed his own title at twenty- one. A few in the audience were also escorted from the room, and the doors were pulled shut then sealed.

His stomach lurched. They only locked the doors for serious crimes—murder, rape, or the use of the Unforgivables.

He’s never been a jurist in a high crime trial. The other members of the Wizengamot were paying keen attention at this point.“It is my duty to lay charges of criminal stalking, potions abuse, harassment, intimidation, and physical assault against Ronald Bilius Weasley. Other charges are pending.”The Minister for Magic’s son. Harry blinked in surprise. He barely knew the man despite the fact they’d been in the same year at Hogwarts. Weasley had sorted into Gryffindor, and Harry had sorted into Ravenclaw.

He watched as Ron Weasley was removed from his seat beside his father and placed in the defendant box. Harry shared a glance with Neville Longbottom, who was on his immediate right in the Longbottom box. Neville shook his head so he didn’t know anything either. Neville had been in Gryffindor though he wasn’t friends with Ron either—they’d fought like cats and dogs throughout their time at Hogwarts.“I call Miss Hermione Granger to the stand.”It was like getting punched in the gut. He understood, then, why he’d been excluded from all the meetings and why his father hadn’t told him in advance what was going to happen.

Harry had a little crush on Hermione Granger and had since she’d returned to Britain just six months before. She’d only been at Hogwarts a handful of weeks before she’d transferred to the International Academy of Magic. It had been rumored that Gryffindor had been horrible to her. The Ravenclaws had been furious when they’d found out that Dumbledore had refused to allow her to be resorted.

They knew she’d have come to their house—she was, after all, touted the world over as the Brightest Witch of the Age. When she’d received her second mastery, she’d left her position at the ICW and governments all over the world had romanced her.

Croaker, the Head Unspeakable, had traveled abroad six times to gain her favor. Hermione shed her cloak as she entered the witness box, displaying a lovely figure in a modest but fashionable dress of dark red. Her hair was up in a simple French twist, and she wore a single pair of diamond earrings. Harry had wanted her the moment he set eyes on her as an adult, but he’d been content to stand back and watch her get settled—to see if a man from abroad would come trotting along behind her. She’d been pursued by many since she’d returned to Britain but hadn’t even agreed to have tea with a single wizard as far as he knew. He didn’t know why.

He’d been trying to figure out how to invite her to lunch without looking like a git for months.“Miss Granger,” Sirius began. She put them on the ledge of the witness box and focused on Sirius as she spoke.“I’m afraid I don’t know what you actually do in the DOM. Would you care to explain?”“I supervise and facilitate all magical research endeavors in the DOM. I oversee all researchers—no matter their field—in the pursuit of knowledge. For instance, one of our biggest projects is a cure for lycanthropy. We’re very close to a management system that would allow those cursed to live healthy lives—even during the full moon. We’ll be ready to test the system inside the next year and already have four volunteers.

It’s very exciting work, and I’m privileged to be working on research that can have a positive impact on our society.”“It sounds amazing,” Sirius said. I was sorted into Gryffindor at Hogwarts, but many of the children I sorted with quickly began to resent me for just being me.” Hermione frowned.

To me, it wasn’t bravery but an insatiable desire to know everything I could about being a witch. I was so excited to find out about magic and to know, finally, why I was so different from my Muggle peers. Hogwarts was beautiful, and I fell in love with magic from almost the start, but I didn’t fit in there either. I tried to get resorted, but it was against the school bylaws.

I was used to cruel children, but I wasn’t used to cruel children with weapons. I was hexed four times in the first week. About a month in, I was pushed down the stairs—just the last set—and I broke my arm. I don’t know if Professor Mc.

Gonagall ever figured out who did it, but I insisted on going home. I was at the International Academy of Magic a week after I broke my arm. It wasn’t as beautiful as Hogwarts, but at least I was safe.”She blushed at the murmured conversation and Harry noted many in the room looked absolutely furious.

His gaze flicked to Dumbledore and found the elderly wizard shame- faced.“Do you know who pushed you?” Sirius questioned.“I didn’t at the time, in fact, I didn’t know until recently—when Ron shouted at me that he wished he’d killed me when he pushed me down the stairs at Hogwarts.”“Tell us how you came to be reacquainted with Ron Weasley.”“A couple of weeks after I moved to London, I received an invitation to dinner at the Minister’s house. His wife came to my office personally to invite me—I was pleased, really, to have her come see me like that so I said yes. I’d been in their home only a few minutes when Percy Weasley offered me a formal apology—for what happened at Hogwarts. He’d been a prefect in Gryffindor, and he said he felt he hadn’t done enough to protect me.

I accepted his apology and that’s when Ron realized who I was.”“Did he apologize as well?”“No, he didn’t,” Hermione answered.