Kaplan Physiology Lecture Notes Pdf


Online Course: Anatomy and Physiology 1. CEU Certificate. This self- paced, online anatomy and physiology course covers all the bodily systems playing a major role in human anatomy. The material is presented in a practical and comprehensive manner. The focus of the course is on the need- to- know facts that must be understood in order to pursue any healthcare career or related education in the field of science. These easy to follow lessons are ideal for anyone requiring a solid understanding of how the human body works. Lessons include the following topics: The Skeletal System The Integumentary System. The Muscular System The Nervous System The Sensory System The Endocrine System The Cardiovascular System The Lymphatic System The Respiratory System The Digestive System The Urinary System The Reproductive System.

Anatomy and physiology are the opposite sides of the same biological coin. Anatomy is the study of the body's internal and external structures while physiology studies the function of those structures, both singularly and in conjunction with one another. Anatomy, which is sometimes called morphology, provides a map of how a body is put together, human or otherwise.

Physiology is akin to an instruction manual. Form and function must both be considered to fully understand the human body. The Major Characteristics of Life. Physiology is the study of living things, but what exactly does it mean to be alive? It is difficult to isolate a single characteristic that separates all living entities from non- living ones. For example, some might say the ability to reproduce is a necessary trait to indicate life. But mules- -which are definitely living offsprings of a horse and donkey- -cannot reproduce.

Kaplan Physiology Lecture Notes Pdf

So physiologists consider a number of traits that all living things have in common and thus identify life based on the following characteristics: Absorption: the passage of nutrients from digested food through membranes and into body fluids. Assimilation: the ability to change nutrients of absorbed substances into chemically different forms. Circulation: movement of substances throughout the body via body fluids such as blood. Digestion: chemically breaking down food into its molecular components and getting rid of wastes. Growth: in general, defined as increasing in size without changing basic shape.

Movement: the ability to change position or internal structures. Reproduction: creating offspring. Respiration: can mean the act of breathing but on a cellular level; it's a metabolic process that uses oxygen to release energy from glucose. Responsiveness: reacting to one's environment, such as pupils contracting in light, the rush of adrenalin when confronted with danger or fear, or a plant bending toward sunlight.

The Human Anatomy and Physiology course is designed to introduce students pursuing careers in the allied health field to the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Anatomy and Physiology Online Classes for Free: Class Summaries. Although most schools only provide online courses to their enrolled students, there are several. Download and Read Manual Maintenance Kalmar Drf phrasebank an academic writing resource for students and researchers homicide investigation practical information. The laboratory experiments, lecture outlines, lecture notes, review exams, and test bank questions can be opened and read using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Professor Gonsalves' ANATOMY 1 LECTURE NOTES: 2016-2017 Academic Year. These are links to the lecture notes. You may left click your mouse to download the file or.

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Excretion: the removal of wastes created by metabolic activity  Everything that is alive- -from cells to elephants- -relies on homeostasis, which is the way the physiological systems work together in living organisms to maintain a stable internal environment, despite changing external or environmental conditions. In humans, that means regulating things like temperature, p. H, hydration, and blood oxygen levels. All living things also require some sort of metabolism, which is commonly understood to mean breaking food down and turning it into energy. But in physiological terms, it refers to the entire range of an organism's biochemical processes. These metabolic pathways involve enzymes that transform one substance into another substance, by either breaking one down (catabolism) or creating a new one (anabolism).

Kaplan Physiology Lecture Notes Pdf

Levels of Anatomical Organization. Anatomists organize the human body into different levels, each level increasing in complexity. Atoms join together to form molecules, such as H2. O. Molecules combine to form macromolecules such as polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates), monosaccharides (simple sugars), and fats (lipids). Macromolecules combine to create organelles like mitochondrion and ribosomes.

Organelles are part of a cell, the basic unit of a body. Cells are organized into tissues such as muscle, neural, and cardiac. Tissues are organized into organs, from the brain to the large intestine and everything in between. Microsoft Office Word 2007 Golden 7 there. Organs working together are organ systems, which include the digestive system, the endocrine system, and the nervous system. Organ systems make up an organism, such as humans, dogs, or plants.

Spatial Organization of the Human Body. To accurately reference the structures they study, anatomists use positional and directional terms. In order to have a common standard for describing those positions of body parts, it is assumed the person is in what is called anatomical position: the body standing upright, feet together, palms facing forward. From this starting point, all the directional terms are relative to the anatomical position. There are three main body planes: the sagittal, which divides the body into left and right halves; the frontal which divides the body into front and back halves (ventral and dorsal, or anterior and posterior); and the transverse which divides the body into upper (toward the head) and lower (toward the feet) halves (superior and inferior).

Additionally, the outer body is divided into two regions: the axial, which includes the head, neck and trunk, and the appendicular which consists of the limbs. The same terms are used when describing the skeleton. The skull, ribs, and spinal vertebrae belong to the axial skeleton. These bones protect the major organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs. Also included in the axial skeleton are the three inner ear bones- -malleus, incus, and stapes- -known collectively as the ossicles, and the hyoid in the throat.

There are 8. 0 bones in the axial skeleton. The appendicular skeleton consists of the 1. Conclusion. The body is a complex organism of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. While anatomy describes the structure of how it is physically put together, physiology explains how all the components of the human organism work, individually and together, to maintain life. High school students, college students and those entering various healthcare fields will find this self- paced Anatomy and Physiology course to be extremely beneficial. Course goals include the following: 1.) Be able to identify the major body systems and understand what each body system does, 2.) Be able to relate how each body system works, 3.) Be able to identify and explain major cells, tissues, and organs, and 4.) Be able to identify and explain functions of central muscles and bones.

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