Law And Order Justice Is Served Crackers


Indonesia facts, information, pictures . There are coins of 1, 2, 5, 1. Rp. 1 = $0. 0. 00. Rp. 9,7. 39. 3. 5) as of 2.

Law And Order Justice Is Served Crackers

George Washington. George Washington is often associated with cherries (cherry tree, cherry pie etc.). According to his biographers, our first president did, indeed.

155 Comments. Brother Nathanael January 18, 2011 @ 9:38 pm. Dear Real Zionist News Family - Much going on. First of all, this article, “Did Jews Kill General Patton. Marlburian Club Obituaries.

WEIGHTS AND MEASURES: The metric system is standard. HOLIDAYS: New Year's Day, 1 January; Independence Day, 1. August; Christmas, 2.

December. Movable religious holidays include the Prophet's Birthday, Ascension of Muhammad, Good Friday, Ascension Day of Jesus Christ, the end of Ramadan, 'Id al- Fitr, 'Id al- 'Adha', and the 1st of Muharram (Muslim New Year). TIME: Western, 7 pm = noon GMT; Central, 8 pm = noon GMT; Eastern, 9 pm = noon GMT. The Republic of Indonesia consists of five large islands and 1.

Asia and Australia. With a total area of 1,9. Indonesia is the fourth- largest Asian country, after China, India, and Saudi Arabia.

Comparatively, the area occupied by Indonesia is slightly less than three times the size of the state of Texas. It extends 5,2. 71 km (3,2.

The five principal islands are Sumatra; Java; Borneo, of which the 7. Indonesia is known as Kalimantan; Sulawesi, formerly called Celebes; and Irian Jaya (West Irian), the western portion of the island of New Guinea. Indonesia has land boundaries with Malaysia (on Borneo), Papua New Guinea (on New Guinea), and East Timor (on Timor). It is bounded on the n by the South China Sea, on the n and e by the Pacific Ocean, and on the s and w by the Indian Ocean. Indonesia's total land boundary length is 2,8.

Its coastline is 5. Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta, is located on the island of Java.

The Indonesian archipelago consists of three main regions. One of the regions consists of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and the islands that lie between them, which stand on the Sunda shelf, where the ocean depths are never more than 2.

Another region consists of Irian Jaya and the Aru Isles, which stand on the Sahul shelf, projecting northward from the north coast of Australia at similar depths. Between these two shelves are the Lesser Sunda Islands, the Maluku Islands (Moluccas), and Sulawesi, which are surrounded by seas with depths that reach 4,5. The large islands have central mountain ranges rising from more or less extensive lowlands and coastal plains. Many inactive and scores of active volcanoes dot the islands, accounting for the predominantly rich volcanic soil that is carried down by the rivers to the plains and lowlands; there are over 1. Handshaking Signal For Rs232 Serial Communication. Peaks rise to 3,6.

Java and Sumatra. Java, Bali, and Lombok have extensive lowland plains and gently sloping cultivable mountainsides. Extensive swamp forests and not very fertile hill country are found in Kalimantan. Sumatra's eastern coastline is bordered by morasses, floodplains, and alluvial terraces suitable for cultivation farther inland. Mountainous areas predominate in Sulawesi. Earthquakes and tsunamis often devastate Indonesia. In 1. 99. 2, an earthquake off the island of Flores caused more than 2,5.

More than 2. 00 people died in 1. Java. An earthquake in Sumatra with a magnitude of 7. Richter Scale killed more than 1. A disastrous tsunami struck Indonesia and its neighboring Asian countries on 2. December 2. 00. 4. Microsoft Network Monitor Remote Agent Speco there. Stemming from an underwater earthquake about 3.

Sumatra, the city of Banda Aceh witnessed a 1. The tsunami rolled waves onto the mainland at an estimated 8.

The devastation of the disaster crushed entire villages and most of the country's coastal region. On 1. 9 February 2. Richter Scale occurred at Sulawesi.

Simeulue experienced a 6. February 2. 00. 5. On 2. 8 March 2. 00. Nias and Simeulue. One of the most powerful in a century, the disaster caused hundreds of deaths and severe damage to many homes. Nias felt additional quakes on 1. May (at 6. 8 magnitude) and 5 July (6.

Simeulue felt another quake of 6. May. Straddling the equator, Indonesia has a tropical climate characterized by heavy rainfall, high humidity, high temperature, and low winds. The wet season is from November to March, the dry season from April to October. Rainfall in lowland areas averages 1. In the lowlands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, the rainfall range is 3. Australian desert.

Average humidity is 8. Altitude rather than season affects the temperature in Indonesia. At sea level, the mean annual temperature is about 2. There is slight daily variation in temperature, with the greatest variation at inland points and at higher levels. The mean annual temperature at Jakarta is 2. Vegetation ranges from that of the tropical rain forest of the northern lowlands and the seasonal forests of the southern lowlands, through vegetation of the less luxuriant hill forests and mountain forests, to subalpine shrub vegetation. The bridge between Asia and Australia formed by the archipelago is reflected in the varieties of animal life.

The fauna of Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Java is similar to that of peninsular Malaysia, but each island has its peculiar types. The orangutan is found in Sumatra and Kalimantan but not in Java, the siamang only in Sumatra, the proboscis monkey only in Kalimantan, the elephant and tapir only in Sumatra, and the wild ox in Java and Kalimantan but not in Sumatra.

In Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands, and Timor, Australian types begin to occur—the bandicoot, a marsupial, is found in Timor. All the islands, especially the Malukus, abound in great varieties of bird life, reptiles, and amphibians. The abundant marine life of Indonesia's extensive territorial waters includes a rich variety of corals. As of 2. 00. 2, there were at least 5. An extensive . From the mid- 1. Indonesia's forests and woodland areas increased by 1. However, in 1. 99.

Indonesia also has the world's most extensive mangrove area, which covered over 4 million hectares (9. In 2. 00. 0, about 5. Flood- control programs involve river dredging, dike strengthening, construction of new dams, and sandbagging of river banks at critical points. The burning of oil and coal along with the abuse of fertilizers and pesticides results in significant damage to the environment. The nation used 3. Indonesia has 2,8. About 8. 9% of all city dwellers and 6.

Legislation introduced in 1. Protection of indigenous wildlife is entrusted to the Directorate of Nature Conservation and Wildlife Management. In 1. 98. 4/8. 5, the government set up three new national parks (of nineteen included in the 1.

By 2. 00. 1 the government's goal to allocate 1. Indonesia's total land area.

In 2. 00. 3, about 2. UNESCO World Heritage Sites and two Ramsar wetland sites. According to a 2. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), threatened species included 1.

Endangered species in Indonesia include the pig- tailed langur, Javan gibbon, orangutan, tiger, Asian elephant, Malayan tapir, Javan rhinoceros, Sumatran rhinoceros, Sumatran serow, Rothschild's starling, lowland anoa, mountain anoa, Siamese crocodile, false gavial, river terrapin, and four species of turtle (green sea, hawksbill, olive ridley, and leatherback). The Kalimantan mango, Buhler's rat, and the Javanese lapwing have become extinct.

The population of Indonesia in 2. United Nations (UN) at 2.

In 2. 00. 5, approximately 5% of the population was over 6. There were 1. 00 males for every 1. According to the UN, the annual population rate of change for 2. The government was continuing efforts to curb population growth by reducing the fertility rate, which stood at 2.

The government's goal was to reach a fertility rate of 2. The projected population for the year 2. The population density was 1. Some urban areas have density equivalent to 4.

The UN estimated that 4. The capital city, Jakarta, had a population of 1. Other large cities and their estimated populations include Bandung, 4,0. Surabaya, 2,7. 35,0. Medan, 2,1. 09,0.

Palembang, 1,6. 75,0. Ujungpandang, 1,2. Semarang, 8. 16,0.

Historically, there has been considerable migration from and to China. Following a decree banning foreigners from participating in retail trade in rural Indonesia, some 1.

Chinese left Indonesia in 1. After the attempted coup of 1. China, many more Chinese left Indonesia.