Microsoft Excel Drill Down Charts 2017


Techniques used in these dashboards & charts. If you want to create these kind of charts & reports at work, I suggest reading up the Excel Dashboards & Excel Dynamic.

Microsoft Data Insight Summit in Seattle is next week, and it is already sold out with 2000+ registrations. This is twice last year considering number of registrations. Find tons of free chart PowerPoint templates and backgrounds that you can download to customize your charts and presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint. Drill down in a PivotTable with an OLAP or Data Model data hierarchy to view details on lower levels and drill up to view summary data on upper levels by using the.

KPI performance charts & dashboards – 4. Here are 4. 3 creative, fun & informative ways to visualize KPI data. About a month ago, I asked you to visualize KPI data. We received 6. 5 entries for this contest.

Microsoft Excel Drill Down Charts 2017

After carefully reviewing the entries, our panel of judges have discarded 2. We are left with 4. How to read this post? This is a fairly large post. If you are reading this in email or news- reader, it may not look properly.

Click here to read it on chandoo. Each entry is shown in a box with the contestant’s name on top. Entries are shown in alphabetical order of contestant’s name. You can see a snapshot of the entry and more thumbnails below. The thumb- nails are click- able, so that you can enlarge and see the details. You can download the contest entry workbook, see & play with the files. Sims 3 Generations Crack Code For Sims on this page. You can read my comments at the bottom.

At the bottom of this post, you can find a list of key charting & dashboard design techniques. Go thru them to learn how to create similar reports at work.

Thank you. Thank you very much for all the participants in this contest. I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring your work & learned a lot from them. I am sure you had fun creating these too. So go ahead and enjoy the entries. PS: I am sorry if your entry is not shown on this page. We had to disqualify 2.

KPI Chart by Alexander Groberman. Comments: Interactive with slicers. Labels overlap the chart. KPI Chart by Amit Sinha. Comments: Comparison and variance analysis. Could use some insights – plain text instead of second chart? KPI Chart by Ben Spalding.

Comments: Thermo- meter chart. Feels over formatted, could have used simple colors.

Become Awesome in Excel & VBA – Create dashboards like these? Could use labels and titles. KPI Chart by Ronaldo Balas. Comments: Interactive. Interesting design, but feels over formatted.

Reduce special effects, the caps on columns feel like stacked columns and confuse. La Reina De Las Nieves Cuento Pdf Merge. KPI Chart by Ronny Lo. Comments: Interactive. Waterfall. Elegant colors and design choices. KPI Dashboard by Sasjah De. Comments: Interactive.

In- cell charts. Duplication. KPI Chart by Utkarsh Shah. Comments: Interactive.

Error in the option button selection (2. KPIs vs 2. 3 buttons)Become Awesome in Excel & VBA – Create dashboards like these. Also check out below links to know more about specific techniques. How do you like these charts & dashboards? Which are your top 5? Quite a few of these entries are really impressive. You can learn a lot by deciphering the techniques in these workbooks.

Many thanks to everyone who participated. I will publish the winner names in next few days.

Meanwhile, share your comments and tell me what you think. Share your top 5 entries too. Doubt: Ask an Excel Question.