Best Private Investigator Case Management Software


Case management software. Review of CMS systems that perform reactive, investigation- related functions. This is the first article in a two- part series that provides an overview of case management software, which helps fraud examiners manage their workloads and digital information. The series includes basic information on 1. Part 1 introduces three members of the ACFE faculty, who offer strategic and tactical tips on selecting and using a CMS. Separately, the first article presents brief descriptions of products that seven software vendors offer. Part 2 will include further commentary from these CFEs and separate descriptions of CMSs that eight additional vendors produce.

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In the fraud examination profession, case management consists of two complementary but different types of activity:  Reactive tasks pertain to the investigation of alleged or confirmed fraud. Proactive activities relate to the identification of trends in fraud, its perpetrators and victims. Numerous case management systems are available to help fraud examiners perform these functions better and more easily. Some specialize in reactive functions, while others focus on proactive tasks; several do both. However, because of space limitations, this series will discuss only case management systems that perform reactive, investigation- related functions.

For the same reason, the series won’t provide pricing information for any of the systems it covers. Disclaimer — This two- part series is a product of the author’s good- faith efforts to provide an unbiased overview of case management systems for fraud examiners. Neither the coverage nor any gaps in its scope and depth necessarily reflect the author’s views or those of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Because neither the author nor the ACFE tested these products, neither he nor it provides any explicit or implied warranty of the accuracy and completeness of the product descriptions in either article in this series. Think back over your career.

You might have had the good fortune to serve on an exceptional investigative team during your fraud examinations. You and your colleagues’ skills and dedication surely were major factors in its successes. But management and collaboration likely were just as important. The best teams excel at deploying and coordinating their often scarce human and technological resources. That’s why case management software (CMS) can be the key to a team’s effectiveness. Given the critical role of CMS, it’s wise to be on the lookout for ways to improve it whether your present software is digital, paper- driven or — most likely — a hybrid. Here’s an overview of what many CMS developers offer to help you and your team produce optimal investigative results.

But first, three members of the ACFE faculty with extensive experience in this area offer their insights on the most important factors to consider when evaluating a CMS.? What’s the case mix? And we can do it in more dialects than ever before.”Do you need a special tool to manage a complex, international fraud investigation?“You need something with the power and connectivity to do globally the same things you can do in local investigations,” says Ryan Hubbs, CFE, CCSA, CIA, forensic audit manager at Halliburton in Houston, Texas, and a member of the ACFE faculty. Investigating internationally presents a lot more hurdles; make sure your CMS can overcome them.”Over the last few years, CMSs for fraud examiners have matured, building in necessary communication and analysis capabilities to collaborate quickly and effectively with colleagues across the office, the country or the world. Given all the power under the hoods of these systems, it’s easy to lose sight of their fundamental purposes and strengths. UNIFIED VISION “A CMS is a repository that brings together and organizes dissimilar information,” says Butterworth.

Best Private Investigator Case Management Software

Fraud examiners can enter such disparate pieces of electronic data into a CMS, which then will arrange and present them in a way that facilitates an investigation.”CMSs come in two flavors: those that perform several different functions and those that specialize in just one, such as visualizing. Perhaps, for example, upon completion of an investigation, a supervisor determines it’s appropriate to refer the case to law enforcement. Of course, varied audiences have varied information needs, so reporting flexibility is a must- have.“ . The worst thing is to have plenty of good data that you can’t get out of a rigid CMS in the format you need for a special audience or situation.”CONSULT YOUR IN- HOUSE PARTNER Say your fraud examination team is considering buying its first CMS or replacing an outmoded one. Once you and your colleagues have completed a needs assessment and developed clear, reasonable expectations of how the CMS can improve performance and results, stop!

Your next conversation should be with your organization’s IT staff, not with a vendor. That complex issue requires expert analysis, so bring IT into the loop at the get- go.”ADEQUATE HORSEPOWER?“Can the CMS you’re considering hold and manage all your digital investigative data?” asks Hubbs. But your business needs might suddenly change. As investigations get bigger and you do more of them, you need to be confident the CMS can handle that. So plan for the future; it might arrive ahead of schedule.”Some challenges don’t require predictions; you’ve probably already encountered them. Several are sure signs of an inferior or outmoded CMS.“A vendor’s brochure might say its CMS enables you to upload all the data you want,” Hubbs notes. And ask if you can do other things on the CMS while it’s processing a batch.

You don’t want to be locked out until the upload is done. The same thing goes for users as well as processes. Make sure the CMS can support as many concurrent users as you need.”FLEXIBLE ENOUGH?“Your CMS should have an interface so intuitive that you won’t need much training,” Lane says.“A good CMS stays out of your way,” Butterworth adds. You should be able to easily customize screens and reports, instead of having to ask the vendor for virtually every modification.”Other key capabilities include linking to human resources and other internal and external systems as needed and feasible (a complex topic discussed at length in Part 2 in this series), accepting data in a variety of formats (for example, video and audio files) and in every major language spoken wherever your organization does business.“Investigators in global organizations need a CMS that enables them to create and modify, not just view, documents in foreign languages,” Lane says. The problem is that it’s written in some form of Chinese, which you can’t read. You should be able to upload that message into the CMS and share it with your counterpart in Shanghai, who can review and translate it for you. LIST OF CMS SYSTEMS VENDOR Actionable Intelligence Technologies, Inc.

CMS Financial Investigative System (FIS)WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWFIS is an analysis system designed specifically for investigators of financial crimes. It can run on a single PC or on your organization’s local area network or Web server. Its strength is applying advanced analytical techniques to large bodies of potential evidence, such as that contained in bank records and other subpoenaed documents you can scan into FIS. Impossibile Avviare Microsoft Outlook 2013. Together with other members of your investigative team, you can quickly evaluate the collective evidence, test the validity of your case theory and assess its potential for success in court.

This helps identify probably futile efforts in advance and promotes more efficient use of the investigative team’s precious time. VENDOR D3 Security Management Systems.

CMS D3 Investigation/Case Management. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWYou can install D3 on your organization’s server with D3’s guidance, or D3 can host the system for you on its server.

Investigating a Criminal Case: Interviewing Prosecution Witnesses. If done properly, trying to interview prosecution witnesses can be an effective investigation technique. In addition to using court discovery. Effective lawyers will gather. Defense investigation methods can be as informal as talking. One method that’s often effective.

This includes interviewing even. Advantages to Be Had. The defense can gain significant benefits from trying to interview. These include. the ability to: gauge witnesses’ demeanor and credibilityferret out details of witnesses’ stories and strategize.

Reinventing the Wheel? Some defendants might wonder whether it’s worth it to interview a witness.

But. prosecutors and police officers sometimes omit or misstate information (either. Further, when law enforcement and prosecutors speak to. And there might not be a record of all.

Waste of Time? It’s perfectly legal for defense attorneys and their investigators. It’s generally up to witnesses and victims to decide whether to. They might not be willing to talk, but a defense attorney or investigator who doesn't ask often doesn't know. Forcing the Issue. The defense has limited options for trying to interview uncooperative. The defense lawyer might hire a private. For those defendants who can’t afford.

Public defenders’ offices. In some jurisdictions, the defense can serve witnesses with subpoenas. Depositions are common in. Most jurisdictions don’t. Get a Lawyer. If you’re facing criminal charges, consult an experienced criminal. Only such a lawyer can protect your rights and effectively.

An attorney will also be able to tell you what you. For example, your lawyer may ask you to.