Impossibile Avviare Microsoft Outlook 2013


I can’t start Microsoft Outlook 2. Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook Window”Sometimes add- ins can conflict with Outlook.

Troubleshoot start up problems in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013. In diverse situazioni viene rilevata la mancata memorizzazione della password degli account di Outlook. Se questa viene inserita normalmente viene mantenuta per tutta.

Starting Outlook in safe mode, which starts Outlook without add- ins loaded, can tell you if an add- in is the problem. Note: If you enabled an ABBYY Fine. Free Software For Lenticular Printing Software on this page. Reader add- in, an outdated version of the software might cause an Outlook startup error.

For more information, see Office programs may crash with the Fine. Reader add- in installed. Start Outlook in safe mode. Choose Start > Run. Type Outlook /safe, and choose OK. In the Choose Profiles dialog box, accept the default setting of Outlook and choose OK.

A volte mi è capitato che dopo qualche patch o pulizia del registro, I file del pacchetto applicativo Microsoft Office non si aprissero più correttamente con il.

If prompted, enter your password and choose Accept. Tips: How do you know you're working in safe mode? You'll see a label similar to the one below at the top of the screen. If Outlook does start in safe mode, then the problem is likely with one of your add- ins.

You'll need to disable all of your add- ins before restarting Outlook. Disable add- ins. In the upper- left corner of Outlook, choose File > Options > Add- ins. At the bottom of the View and manage Office Add- ins, make sure the Manage box shows COM Add- ins, and then choose Go. As a precaution, when the COM Add- ins listing of your current add- ins opens, do one of the following: Manually record the title of every selected add- in listed under Available Add- ins. How To Install Testlink With Xampp Linux. Caution: Click a check box to clear it.

  1. Io ho provato questa soluzione ma il sistema mi dà errore >Impossibile trovare il file “outlook/resetnavpane” Verificare cje il percorso e il nome del file siano.
  2. Posizione tipica Osservazione <unità disco>\Programmi\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15: Per Outlook 2013 su una versione a 32 bit di Windows <unità disco.
  3. Durante il tentativo di invio o ricezione della posta elettronica in Outlook 2010 o Outlook 2013 si verifica l'errore 0x8004010F.
  4. OUTLOOK: Impossibile avviare Microsoft Office Outlook. Impossibile aprire la finestra Outlook.
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Impossibile Avviare Microsoft Outlook 2013

Don't select an add- in and choose Remove. If you have administrator rights, you could actually delete the add- in. For this troubleshooting exercise, you want to disable, not delete, an add- in. Choose File > Exit.

Restart Choose Start > Run, and in the Open box, type Outlook. Note: If the program loads properly, it's likely that one of your add- ins is the source of the error and you need to identify which one. To determine which add- in is the problem, enable one add- in at a time. Make sure you go through the restart- disable- restart process for every add- in that was originally enabled in Outlook. An error could be caused by more than one add- in.