How Unsustainable Human Activities Cause Desertification Meaning


Learn about the cause of land pollution – how man and his activities are the main factors behind pollution on land.

How Unsustainable Human Activities Cause Desertification Meaning

Desertification is the persistent degradation of dryland ecosystems by variations in climate and human activities. Home to a third of the human population in 2000. The history of sustainability traces human-dominated ecological systems from the earliest civilizations to the present time. This history is characterized by the. Get information, facts, and pictures about Tanzania at Make research projects and school reports about Tanzania easy with credible articles from our. 151 Inspiring Environmental Quotes. This post contains 151 environmental quotes from great conservationists, naturalists and environmental activists like Al Gore.

Population Growth - Human Rights, the Economy, and the Environment - . Pressing Ahead With Empowering Women By Suzanne York.

A new product is being touted as a game changer for women’s health, giving women a new and easy- to- use device in the contraceptives and voluntary family planning toolkit. Unless you follow issues related to women’s reproductive health, you may not know that some 2. A light went off for many conservationists attending the African Great Lakes Conference (AGLC) this past week.

They learned that there is an integrated development model that can help make their environmental efforts successful for the long- term. It’s simple, really. By connecting population, health and environment issues, people will be empowered with. Mention the Congo, and it evokes thoughts of Conrad, King Leopold, diamonds, conflict, war, and also incredible biological diversity and culture. If there is anyplace on the face of the planet that seems to comprise the best and worst of humanity, it might just be the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Amazing things can happen when local voices are heard. In a remote pocket of the island of Indonesian Borneo, a small organization is working with the local community to link the issues of human health and protecting a fragile environment in an effort to build a brighter future. Another Earth Overshoot Day is upon us, this one coming August 2nd, even earlier than last year. This date, calculated by Global Footprint Network, arrives earlier with each passing year, as humanity uses up natural resources faster than the Earth can replenish in a year. Currently we are using the ecological resources? Bulk Email Sending Software Php Mysql there.

Latest environmental news, features and updates. Pictures, video and more. Sustainable development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while at the same time sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide. 20th July 2013 Question 1. Edward Snowden, an intelligence analyst, working on contractual basis with the National Security Agency of the USA recently revealed that. This page discusses the relationship between human overpopulation and child sexual abuse. The content has no warranty. The visitor may become offended and may suffer.

In Uganda, home to incredible biodiversity and some of the world’s friendliest people, the idea of a growing population is viewed by some as a positive, when actually the 1. The facts speak for.

Recently released United Nations projections reflect a world where the population is still growing. By 2. 05. 0, there may be close to 1. The choices we make today will determine if we reach that milestone or go higher or possibly lower.

The Family Planning Solution With that in? Today’s news is filled with stories of people who must leave their countries due to violence or extreme conditions of poverty. However, little attention is given to the victims who migrate because their homes have disappeared due to environmental deterioration.

Yet this is becoming common. Plastic pollution is a huge problem in the world today and is affecting our daily lives in ways we may not even be aware of. As we grow up in a culture relying on disposable items, we are unaware of the huge damage this is creating, not. From climate change to species extinctions to rising inequality, many people – not to mention nature – are crying out. We live in an increasingly urbanized world. The growth of megacities – urban areas with a population of over 1.

In 1. 99. 0, there were 1. By 2. 03. 0, the number is expected to. In terms of dirty energy vs. Despite promises made to the contrary, jobs in the fossil fuel industry are not likely to come back, and even if they did, not for long. The costs of solar and wind are falling well below coal and oil.

What is Transhumanism? The human desire to acquire posthuman attributes is as ancient as the human species itself. Humans have always sought to expand the boundaries of their existence, be it ecologically, geographically, or mentally. There is a tendency in at least some individuals always to try to find a way around every limitation and obstacle. Ceremonial burial and preserved fragments of religious writings show that prehistoric humans were deeply disturbed by the death of their loved ones and sought to reduce the cognitive dissonance by postulating an afterlife.

Yet, despite the idea of an afterlife, people still endeavored to extend life. In the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (approx. B. C.), a king embarks on a quest to find an herb that can make him immortal. It’s worth noting that it was assumed both that mortality was not inescapable in principle, and that there existed (at least mythological) means of overcoming it. That people really strove to live longer and richer lives can also be seen in the development of systems of magic and alchemy; lacking scientific means of producing an elixir of life, one resorted to magical means.

This strategy was adopted, for example, by the various schools of esoteric Taoism in China, which sought physical immortality and control over or harmony with the forces of nature. The Greeks were ambivalent about humans transgressing our natural confines. On the one hand, they were fascinated by the idea. We see it in the myth of Prometheus, who stole the fire from Zeus and gave it to the humans, thereby permanently improving the human condition. And in the myth of Daedalus, the gods are repeatedly challenged, quite successfully, by a clever engineer and artist, who uses non- magical means to extend human capabilities.

On the other hand, there is also the concept of hubris: that some ambitions are off- limit and would backfire if pursued. In the end, Daedalus’ enterprise ends in disaster (not, however, because it was punished by the gods but owing entirely to natural causes). Greek philosophers made the first, stumbling attempts to create systems of thought that were based not purely on faith but on logical reasoning. Socrates and the sophists extended the application of critical thinking from metaphysics and cosmology to include the study of ethics and questions about human society and human psychology.

Out of this inquiry arose cultural humanism, a very important current throughout the history of Western science, political theory, ethics, and law. In the Renaissance, human thinking was awoken from medieval otherworldliness and the scholastic modes of reasoning that had predominated for a millennium, and the human being and the natural world again became legitimate objects of study. Renaissance humanism encouraged people to rely on their own observations and their own judgment rather than to defer in every matter to religious authorities. Renaissance humanism also created the ideal of the well- rounded personality, one that is highly developed scientifically, morally, culturally, and spiritually. A milestone is Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s Oration on the Dignity of Man (1.

And crucially, modern science began to take form then, through the works of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. The Age of Enlightenment can be said to have started with the publication of Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum, “the new tool” (1. Bacon advocates the project of “effecting all things possible,” by which he meant the achievement of mastery over nature in order to improve the condition of human beings.

The heritage from the Renaissance combines with the influences of Isaac Newton, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Marquis de Condorcet, and others to form the basis for rational humanism, which emphasizes science and critical reasoning – rather than revelation and religious authority – as ways of learning about the natural world and the destiny and nature of man and of providing a grounding for morality. Transhumanism traces its roots to this rational humanism. In the 1. 8th and 1.

Benjamin Franklin and Voltaire speculated about extending human life span through medical science. Especially after Darwin’s theory of evolution, atheism or agnosticism came to be seen as increasingly attractive alternatives. However, the optimism of the late 1. When this view collided with reality, some people reacted by turning to irrationalism, concluding that since reason was not sufficient, it was worthless.

This resulted in the anti- technological, anti- intellectual sentiments whose sequelae we can still witness today in some postmodernist writers, in the New Age movement, and among the neo- Luddite wing of the anti- globalization agitators. A significant stimulus in the formation of transhumanism was the essay Daedalus: Science and the Future (1. British biochemist J. Haldane, in which he discusses how scientific and technological findings may come to affect society and improve the human condition. This essay set off a chain reaction of future- oriented discussions, including The World, the Flesh and the Devil by J. Bernal (1. 92. 9), which speculates about space colonization and bionic implants as well as mental improvements through advanced social science and psychology; the works of Olaf Stapledon; and the essay “Icarus: the Future of Science” (1. Bertrand Russell, who took a more pessimistic view, arguing that without more kindliness in the world, technological power will mainly serve to increase men’s ability to inflict harm on one another.

Science fiction authors such as H. Wells and Olaf Stapledon also got many people thinking about the future evolution of the human race.

One frequently cited work is Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1. Huxley’s novel warns of the dehumanizing potential of technology being used to arrest growth and to diminish the scope of human nature rather than enhance it.

The Second World War changed the direction of some of those currents that result in today’s transhumanism. The eugenics movement, which had previously found advocates not only among racists on the extreme right but also among socialists and progressivist social democrats, was thoroughly discredited. The goal of creating a new and better world through a centrally imposed vision became taboo and pass. Mindful of these historical lessons, transhumanists are often deeply suspicious of collectively orchestrated change, arguing instead for the right of individuals to redesign themselves and their own descendants. In the postwar era, optimistic futurists tended to direct their attention more toward technological progress, such as space travel, medicine, and computers. Science began to catch up with speculation. Transhumanist ideas during this period were discussed and analyzed chiefly in the literary genre of science fiction.

Authors such as Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Stanislaw Lem, and later Bruce Sterling, Greg Egan, and Vernor Vinge have explored various aspects of transhumanism in their writings and contributed to its proliferation. Robert Ettinger played an important role in giving transhumanism its modern form. The publication of his book The Prospect of Immortality in 1.

Ettinger argued that since medical technology seems to be constantly progressing, and since chemical activity comes to a complete halt at low temperatures, it should be possible to freeze a person today and preserve the body until such a time when technology is advanced enough to repair the freezing damage and reverse the original cause of deanimation. In a later work, Man into Superman (1.

Haldane and Bernal. Another influential early transhumanist was F. Esfandiary, who later changed his name to FM- 2. One of the first professors of future studies, FM taught at the New School for Social Research in New York in the 1. Up. Wingers. In his book Are you a transhuman? The word “transhumanism” may have been coined by Julian Huxley in New Bottles for New Wine (1.

Further, its use is evidenced in T. S. Elliot’s writing around the same time.